Take the essence, like a bee

Macro of a bee

The intelligent person should take the essence out of all sources, from scriptures small as well as great, — like the bee from flowers.

Uddhava Gita

Yeah, in addition to taking the essential wisdom from all sources, you can also pollinate the wisdom!

(Photo by Tambako the Jaguar)

Nature and You

Myosotis flowers

When you recognize the sacredness, the beauty, the incredible stillness and dignity in which a flower or a tree exists, you add something to the flower or the tree. Through your recognition, your awareness, nature too comes to know itself. It comes to know its own beauty and sacredness through you!

— Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks, p. 85

Beautiful! This make us humans special, is it not? 🙂

Photo courtesy of Keven Law